
what you're working with

In a nutshell, here's what's happening behind the curtain:

Every process needs a power source, and when it comes to your voice, that source is the breath. We'll be talking a lot more about breath later on, and doing some experiments, but for now, we'll keep it exceedingly simple: when you inhale, your lungs expand downwards.To achieve this, your diaphragm, the dome-shaped muscle that cradles your lungs from below, flattens and descends, nudging your organs (stomach, liver, etc.) out of the way to make room for your expanding lungs. This increased space creates a vacuum, meaning the pressure inside of you is now lower than the pressure outside of you, resulting in air being drawn into your lungs.

What happens next- you guessed it, exhalation- officially begins the sound-making process (called phonation). As the air we've inhaled rises from our lungs and passes up through our trachea (windpipe), it encounters our larynx, which houses our vocal folds (cords). When we're simply breathing, the folds open easily to let the air pass, but when we're vocalizing, our abdominal muscles engage to control the airflow. This engagement is necessary because in order to create sound, there needs to be some amount of tension in the folds so that they can vibrate.

Ac lectus

Integer mollis, nisl amet convallis, porttitor sed magna detiam lorem amet mauris. Sed et magna. Donec urna pretium mauris. nisl amet porttitor sed magna detiam lorem amet mauris. Sed amet magna. Donec urna ex, lacinia in purus pulvinar amet mauris.

Nunc lorem mauris, fringilla in aliquam at euismod in lectus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean ornare velit lacus, ac varius enim amet lorem ipsum dolor.

Sed libero

Aenean ornare velit lacus, ac varius enim amet lorem. Proin aliquam sed facilisis ante interdum congue. Integer mollis, nisl amet convallis, porttitor sed lorem amet mauris lorem ipsum dolor.

Aenean ornare velit lacus, ac varius enim amet lorem. Proin aliquam sed facilisis ante interdum congue. Integer mollis, nisl amet convallis, porttitor sed magna detiam. Donec urna ex lacinia in purus ac, pretium pulvinar et mauris. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consequat.